Tuesday, 8 January 2019

Swings and Roundabouts

Back from representing a Parish Council this morning objecting to a planning application that was making the most of North Dorset’s lack of a 5 year housing land supply.  A revised scheme, the first having been refused back in the summer on the grounds of poor design.  Although some of the members said they didn’t like it or want to support it, they did think it was better than the one earlier scheme (which is now at appeal) and didn’t think they had strong enough grounds to refuse.  So not exactly a ringing endorsement for good planning! 

However not all is doom and gloom, as the 8 week decision target has had its desired affect for one of my clients today, with approval (on last day of the 8th week) to remove a restrictive holiday use condition on a rural building.  I’m sure they’ll see the bright side. 

Talking of swings and roundabouts I’m looking forward to hearing the outcome of the NPPF ‘sustainability’ challenge that is being heard in the High Court and is expected at the end of this month…