Saturday, 13 February 2016

Buckland Newton - submitted for its examination

Buckland Newton have taken the next step towards finalising their neighbourhood plan.  The proposed plan has been submitted to West Dorset District Council, and the District Council have agreed that it can proceed to examination. 

The neighbourhood plan takes forward the aspirations identified in the Parish Plan, and proposes a range of small housing sites mainly around the larger settlement of Buckland Newton, but also some very small scale development in the hamlets.  Most of the sites are put forward as rural exception sites, to ensure that they will provide some affordable housing (as they are under the now withdrawn '10 unit' affordable housing threshold proposed nationally).  The plan also sets out housing type and design criteria as well as safeguarding the key community spaces and places in the parish, and allocating a site for a new recreation area.

Will be keeping track on their progress over the coming months...