The new Local Plan will cover the period to 2031, although
an early review (by 2021) is anticipated to ensure there is sufficient ongoing
supply of housing land. This is
critical, as without a robust housing land supply the Local Plan policies can
be over-ruled.
It still amazes me how much time these plans take to get
through the process. Both Councils were
working on draft plans, before taking the decision in 2011 to work together on
a combined plan for the whole area. The
adoption comes 4 years on from the first public sessions on the issues and
options, and the examination process took 2 years. But at least, unlike some, the examiner
concluded that the plan could be adopted.
This is good news for neighbourhood plan groups working in
the area, who now have certainty on the over-riding strategy that their plans
should align with.
Alongside the Local Plan, the Community Infrastructure Levy
has also been adopted. However a date
has yet to be set for when it will come into effect, and it certainly won’t be
used until April 2016 at the earliest (whilst the various systems are put into
place), and until then the Councils will rely on section 106 agreements to
secure infrastructure funding where they can.
For more information visit the Council's planning policy pages