The South Somerset Local Plan Review 2016-2036 Preferred Options Consultation (Regulation 18) has been published today, with
consultation running from now to 18 September.
Its proposed housing target is based on the new Government methodology
and the 2014-based household projections, so for South Somerset this means 716
dwellings per annum (no major difference from the 725dpa target in the adopted
However the plan does include a change in the settlement hierarchy
with a new class “village” identified, slotting in between rural centres and
settlements. Stoke sub Hamdon has been ‘down-graded’
from a rural centre to a village whilst 11 of the rural settlements have been ‘up-graded’,
including places like Queen Camel, Sparkford and North Cadbury. All of these “will” have provision made some
development, with a target of 60 dwellings per village (in addition to the 120
dwellings already completed between 2016-2018 and 470 already permitted across the 12 villages). Exactly how this growth will be managed is not clear,
as no allocations or settlement boundaries are proposed, the plan simply states
that “growth is expected to take place adjacent to the existing built
Lots more for those communities to digest over the coming weeks…